Wednesday, 16 October 2019

21 Ways to Promote Your Blog (In 2019)

21 Ways to Promote Your Blog (In 2019)

In today’s post I’m going to show you exactly how to promote your blog in 2019.

In fact:

These are the same strategies that I used to grow my blog to 449,759 monthly visits.

Backlinko blog – Monthly traffic

Let’s dive right in.

1. Guest Post Bonuses

If you’re just starting out, guest posting is a GREAT way to grow your blog.

There’s only one problem:

It’s REALLY hard to get people from your guest post to your website.

In fact, one industry study found that the average guest post brings in only 50 visitors.

Average referral traffic from a guest article

The solution?

Guest Post Bonuses.

With a Guest Post Bonus, you don’t just toss in a link at the bottom of your post.

Guest post bonus offer

Instead, you offer people something that makes them WANT to visit your website.

For example, a while back I published this guest post on The Buffer blog.

Buffer blog feature

Yes, I had an author bio link.

Buffer guest post – Author link

But I also created a Guest Post Bonus just for readers of my guest post.

Buffer guest post bonus

And that single guest post brought in 471 visitors in the first month:

Single guest post traffic

And lots of those new visitors signed up to my newsletter.


2. Publish Data-Driven Content

Data-driven content is BLOWING UP right now.

And for a good reason:

Content with data is a great way for your blog to stand out.

For example, a few years ago we published this massive search engine ranking factors study.

Search Engine Ranking Factors study

Overall, that post led to thousands of shares on social media.

Post shares on Twitter

And a ton of backlinks.

Search Engine Ranking – Backlinks

The only problem was:

This study was insanely hard (and expensive) to pull off.

There were servers. Crawlers. Data partners. Bugs. Problems. Millions of data points. And lots more.

Yes, data-driven content takes more work than a list post.

But it doesn’t have to be THIS hard.

For example, last year we published this study on voice search.

Voice Search case study

Make no mistake: this took a lot of work.

First, our CTO had to manually ask his Google Home device 10,000 questions.

Then, we transcribed the answers.

Finally, we analyzed the data.

So yeah, it wasn’t easy. But this study was about 20x easier than our big Google study.

And it still did GREAT.

In fact, we got a huge spike in traffic on Day 1.

Day-one traffic spike

And people still link to and cite our study all the time.

People still link to our case study

All anyone really needed to pull this off was a Google Home device and someone willing to put in the work.

We just happened to be the first to do it.

3. Update and Upgrade Old Content

Last year I started a Manhattan Project for the Backlinko blog:

Update every single post on our site.

It wasn’t easy.

But this mega project helped boost Backlinko’s overall traffic 25.71% compared to the previous year:

Updating content can help boost traffic

Now, 25% may not sound like a lot.

But that 25.71% increase = 410,322 more yearly visitors.

(Which is a lot)

With that, let’s dive into the steps.

First, go to the last page of your blog feed.

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